Tuesday, November 22, 2011


What to say about my session with Levi and Allison.. It was a blast!
We went to Crapo Park in Burlington and had a great time just wandering around and finding new places to take pictures. It was so much fun. They are a great couple that are perfect for eachother. They were constantly laughing and joking around :). 

Here's some of my favorites from our shoot:

Hope you like them all!

-bailey rae

Monday, October 17, 2011

My first Senior!

Hey everyone!

Happy Fall!!

The past two weekends I've had the pleasure of taking my cousin Sam's senior pictures. This was my first time at tackling senior portraits and it was a ton of fun! It was a little awkward at first, but once we got into the grove of things I think they turned out great!! Sam is a beautiful girl and was awesome to work with :).

Hope you like!!

This red chair worked out great!

Love the leaves!

Gorgeous :)

This was one of the poses we tested out to try and I think it turned out great :)

Right now, I'm continuing to work on my photography while still going to school. I have been overwhelmed with people asking for family pictures and I love it! :). If only I lived at home and was able to do more. School is okay, but I can't wait for break!

I have three shoots coming up in November.. Can't wait!! 

- bailey rae

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lydia Sue

Hey Everyone!

One Saturday Lydia and I went to roam around the country side. It was an extremely hot day, not surprising for the summer we've been having. We started out at a familiar place to warm up and then we hit the road stopping anywhere that we both thought we liked. One place we stopped was at a field full of Black-eyed Susans, which was gorgeous and provided a great background! It was a great day and we had tons of fun together. Lydia is my cousin, so I use her as my model from time to time to test out my new ideas. Here are some of my favorites from her session..

This was surprisingly the first picture we took..It turned out to be one of the best!

I love this one.. Her mom and I were working so hard to get her to laugh!

Love this background!

Miss Serious :)

She dealt with the heat and did great!
Lydia's photo shoot, as I said with my last shoot was definitely a learning experience. Kids are so fun to work with.. as long as you can get them to cooperate.. That's the tough part! :). The pictures turned out great and I can't wait to go out again and get some more!

Recently I've had my first picture order, which was exciting! I'm improving everyday.. and as I said before.. if you need any picture done of your family, children, or seniors.. Let me know!

My next shoot is Sunday with the Ensminger Family.. Can't wait!

bailey rae

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

New Experiences..

Hey everyone!

Last weekend I took my first try at portrait pictures. Man, was it a lot harder than I thought!
I took off with my 2 nieces and my 5 year old nephew to the farm to get some pictures of them together for fun. Three kids was quite a handful to take on for a first try at portraits, let me tell you! If two of the kids were looking at you, the other wasn't, or one had hair in their face and so on.. it was an experience to say the least! As we ventured out into a pasture full of weeds, none of the kids complained one bit! They were great to work with and were constantly helping me out with more ideas and thanking me for taking their pictures.. They were awesome!
We all came away with some scratches and some bug bites, but it was well worth it and a lot of fun!!

Here are some of my favorites:

This was a new pose idea I came up with and it turned out really cute!

They really do love eachother ;).

There were so many great pictures to choose from!
This was definitely a great learning experience for me and the kids had a great time too. Right now I'm working on getting more and more experience and seeing what ideas work and which ideas don't. 
If you need any pictures taken of your kids or family I'd be glad to help you out! :)

bailey rae

PS.. We are now on FACEBOOK! Check us out and like our page! bailey rae photography 

Thanks for visiting!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Practice makes perfect..

Lately I've been working to get out of this lazy funk I've been in and the laziness stops today!

If you haven't noticed, the blog was redesigned last month and it now features my new logo I've been working on :). I took the background picture of my Grandma's black eyed susans in her wildflower patch. They are so simple and beautiful.

Those wildflowers have provided me with a lot of inspiration and actually motivation to keep taking pictures and practicing with my camera. I feel that these pictures could be featured along with any type of decorating style. They can warm up a room with their bright colors and bring in a touch of summer to any decor. I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I do!

The colors are gorgeous!

Can you imagine this picture on your wall? :)

The poppies really thrived this year. Everyday I came to my grandma's house there were more and more!

What a different pink coloring..

As I said before.. The poppies were everywhere. With this picture I tried something different with muting the colors.. What do you think?

I love wildflowers!

Do you see the bee?

Summer :).
These pictures turned out much better than I had originally thought they would..I can't wait to hang them up in my new apartment next year. School is coming way too fast, but I'm trying to take advantage of my last weeks on the farm and in the country.. College doesn't even compare :).

More to come soon!

bailey rae

Friday, May 27, 2011

Family Time

Everyday is about learning something new for me.. That's my mission this summer. To accomplish at least one thing each day to learn more about designing and photography. It's been tough to fit it into my busy schedule of a full time job and catching up with friends and family.. which would be why this post has taken so long!

This summer is all about spending time with my family.. and that's what I've been up to so far.. from my niece's dance competition to watching my brother at the local race track it has been a ton of fun so far! This post is a little different because I've been photographing more personal stuff lately for practice, and I suppose a lack of time :).

So here's what I've been doing lately, but not to worry. I have tons of plans for this summer.. Including a re-design for my blog!
Some things I want to work out would be some websites, more portrait photography, messing with lighting, photoshop!, antique-looking photos?
and much more :) I have tons of ideas and I can't wait to see what you think!! 

I took the role of the photographer at my cousin Lydia's preschool graduation. This is a picture of her and her preschool buds in their caps and gowns :)

This would be Lydia and my beautiful aunt Amy. She's my biggest role model and also one of my biggest fans in anything I do :).

My niece Katie is on the left.. This is a picture of her and her friend Haley at their very first dance competition. They did a great job and came home with a 3rd place medal!

I've been hired by my Aunt Amy to take some product pictures for her web merchandise that she plans to sell on her website-- www.thenestonline.com. She specializes in home decor-new and old!

I also got to take pictures at my boyfriend's brother's graduation ceremony. Can you believe this is from the second story balcony.. and no zoom lens, folks.. I was pretty impressed with myself!

My brother Sky and my dad have a hobby of stock car racing. They asked me to take some glamour shots of the car before the first race, while it was still looking pretty! I'm hoping to try to design next years car :).

My brother and my dad by their 'pride and joy'.. the race car!

This is my Great Grandpa Thomas's old 35mm camera. I discovered this one day a couple years back while I was looking through his old house. I had never known my grandpa was interested in photography.. He used to use this camera to take pictures of old pictures of family members while he was building a record of our family tree. He was quite the man and I wish I would've had the chance to get to know him better.

For our three year anniversary, Noah got me roses.. I really wanted to get some pictures of the to remember, but I wasn't sure how.. Can you tell this rose is propped in a sink? :). It worked perfectly and the pictures turned out great! It was an experiment to mess with my shutter speed and aperture settings that ended with good results!

Those are my pictures for this post.. If you have any suggestions or ideas that you think would be cool to pursue, leave a comment! I'd love to hear from you!

Thanks for stopping :)

Bailey Rae

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hey Everyone!

This post is a month long accomplishment, let me tell you. From the last time I posted, I've purchased Adobe Design Premium CS5, which is essentially a ton of programs that I'm excited to start learning about. I've also gone through end of the year projects and finals to end my freshman year of college... very exciting! Today, for my first day of Summer, I decided to sit down and edit these pictures that I've had sitting on my computer for a month now.. Time flies when you're busy!

When you are spending a majority of your time on campus working on homework, or in your dorm room avoiding homework, you often forget about what's going on away from the surroundings you see everyday. This is why Noah and I decided to venture out to Ledges State Park to walk around and be in a place that reminded us of home. I have a large assortment of photos and I wish I could post them all, but here is a selection of my favorites...
A path into the woods..
Just a bundle of weeds.. Looks kind of abstract :)
This is actually just a little weed, but turned out to be pretty.
Back behind a line of trees we found a little duck pond..
The simple things..

I have so many more that I wish I could add, but I'll save them for another day.. Soon I'll be posting a design I did for Josh Schneiderman racing, along with some different photos other than outdoor scenes.. Get excited :)

More to come soon!

Bailey Rae