Hey everyone!
Last week was Spring Break, and it has definitely been a long time coming let me tell you! I didn't go anywhere tropical or warm, but i did have a great break at home. One of the days of my week off I packed up my cousin, Lydia, and my camera and we took a little road trip to my Aunt's house. She was looking for some photography taken around their house to decorate with, so I went to work. It was a pretty eventful adventure through the woods and I came away with some great shots :). I'm sharing more than usual because I couldn't decide which I liked best! Also, a special thanks to my Auntie M and Uncle Nelson for letting me use their house :)!
My absolute favorite, but of course I love barbed wire. This was actually a pretty hard picture to get. My camera wasn't picking up the barbed wire from the background so it took a while to figure out how to focus. |
These little white flowers were everywhere. I felt like I was out on the prairie, it was beautiful! |
These dried flowers were so just so simple and pretty. |
This leaf lasted through the winter, but lost its color. It reminded me of a story that my grandma used to tell me about a curious little leaf that didn't want to die at the end of Fall :). |
This was the beautiful scenery on my aunt's property. It can't get much better than this! |
This pile of metal is an old plow that was too cool to pass up! |
These old fence posts are my absolute favorite. |
My aunt has old wagon wheels all over the place on her property. They give a really rustic feel and are great for pictures! |
I snapped this out of no where and it turned out better than I thought it would.
Summer is almost here and I can't wait to get outside and take some pictures of colorful scenery with green grass! From my last post to now I've taken a short photography class that taught me more about some of the settings on my camera, so I'm finally getting away from auto, finally :). It's going to take a lot of practice to get the hang of things, but I can't wait! The weathers slowly getting nicer, get ready for more posts and much more pictures!!
Keep your eye out for more posts soon!
Bailey Rae
Really good Bails :)